
Nutrition that Might Help your Adult Acne?

With summer coming, Adult Acne sufferers know there are two types of “glow”...

There’s the glow of better health from finally getting outside and into fresh air and exercise, more fruits and veggies in one’s diet since it’s no longer uncomfortable eating cold foods, and the rosy glow that can come from sun exposure (we want to avoid that, though, don’t we!). 

The other glow is one we don’t like so much.  The glow of excess oil from increased exercise, heat, and goopy SPF lotions that clog pores.  Not to worry, though, I’ll be discussing solutions to all of those in upcoming blog posts !  In the meantime, you can check out the three SPF products I carry at my web store, which are not only guaranteed non-clogging, but are hydrating and really comfortable to wear.

One of the ways we can get the kind of summer glow we do want can often come from the desire to improve one’s diet, whether for weight loss or just to match how we feel inside with the beautiful weather.  That way is through improved nutrition.

I’ll admit it.  My knowledge of nutrition is limited to two things; my lifelong weight problem, and the foods that can aggravate acne based on studies and from the teachings of my mentors.  I’ve written before about what foods and supplements to avoid for adult acne sufferers.  As for weight loss, it’s not something I talk about a whole lot, but many of my clients know how much I’ve struggled.

Now, it’s quite possible, based on these two factors, that I know more than I think I do.  As I’ve always maintained, you can go up to pretty much any obese woman in this country and ask how many calories there are in just about any food, and she’ll likely be able to tell you.  Our struggles include a whole lot of reading, I assure you.  But I’m definitely no expert.  

What I do know for sure is that improved nutrition means improved immunity and bodily functions, which is always good for skin health and, especially, the skin's ability to fight inflammation and infection.

One of the things I’ve added to my menu (when I follow it, WHEN I follow it), which actually has worked quite well for me in the past, are smoothies made with different fruits that have been cut into small pieces and frozen, frozen sliced beets, hemp protein powder, ground flax, almond milk, a bit of agave and a dash of salt.  I’m sensitive to dairy and soy and I don’t want a lot of sugar.  I’m also highly sensitive to corn derived ingredients, which cuts out pretty much every protein or weight loss shake out there.  So I have to make my own.

There are all sorts of companies coming at us every day that advertise vitamins, shakes, supplements full of “greens", all sorts of products designed to make it easier to get the antioxidants, disease fighters and weight loss answers we're looking for.  Many of us have considerations, like if they're vegan, soy-free, gluten-free and dairy-free.  Healthy or not, I think it's safe to say most of us have become obsessive label readers.

When choosing supplements, diet shakes or powders for any health reason, if you're acne prone there are a few things you need to look out for.  Yes, one more thing to look out for on a label. :)

Following is a short list of ingredients you need to watch out for if you're acne prone.  These are known acne aggravators, so you'll need to stay clear (HA!) of these.

  • Biotin - found in Skin Hair Nails supplements, a HUGE acne aggravator!
  • Whey (in some people - see previous post that explains why)
  • Kelp - this is a big one!
  • Iodine
  • Spirulina
  • Chlorella
  • Soy (in some people)

If you have breakouts that have been particularly stubborn, and you see any of these ingredients in your supplements, shakes, prepared juices, or vitamins, it might explain your lack of success in clearing your acne.

To continue with summer prep, next week I’m going to be talking about whether or not you must change your skincare routine with the change in weather, so stay tuned !

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Have any protein smoothie recipes I can try?  Please share in the comments below, I really would love some ideas. :)

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